Rockbourne Solutions Ltd


'Rockbourne Solutions ensured our Electronic Patient Record went operational, in a resilient configuration, dealing particularly well with issue resolution and governance', Graham Everson, Head of Information Services and Telecommunications, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust.

'John Palmer ...has designed systems which meet user requirements and external contraints, building in sufficient flexibility for future enhancement without over-engineering designs...he has organised the workflow in his department...liasing with end users...buying in hardware and software R.J. Hudson, Senior Software Engineer, Troy Systems Ltd.

'Rockbourne Solutions helped us get the best out of our I.T. suppliers', Graham Everson, Head of Information Services and Telecommunications, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust.


Company Number 03536824 registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: 37 Chatsworth Road, Bournemouth BH8 8SL
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Director: John Palmer BSc MIET Chartered Engineer,  View John Palmer's profile on LinkedIn CV